Wednesday, January 9, 2002

Response Grade Guide

On your responses you may notice one or more stamps with check marks and circles. This page is an explanation for all of those marks. Many of these errors can result in automatically failing a response, so make sure you pay attention to the response instructions to note the requirements.
  • Length: The response does not meet the minimum word count or the word count is missing.
  • Q: Quotations. You did not use quotations to support your argument.
  • IQ: Integrated quotations are missing or not properly formatted.
  • C: Citations missing or improperly formatted. Use MLA parenthetical in-text citations to document your sources after quoting them. Make sure you format them properly.
  • ME #: Mechanical Errors. This tells the number of mechanical errors I've discovered in reading the response. An excessive number can result in a lowered grade.
  • Barcode: The barcode is missing, and the response is not accepted.
  • Mark Thesis: You need to mark your thesis statement in bold or underlined typed as per response instructions.
  • POV 1 / 2 : You have used 1st or 2nd point of view in your response when it has been prohibited.
  • Margin: Your margins need to be 1" exactly.
  • Space 2x / ¶ : Responses need to be double spaced, and the extra space after a paragraph in Microsoft Word needs to be removed
  • TNR 12: The font needs to be Times New Roman 12pt. This is the ONLY font I accept.
  • : You have problems with the structure of your argument. Make sure to follow structure of claim, secondary claims, and support/evidence.
  • A?: I don't know what you are trying to argue in this, or the argument is missing.
  • T?: Your thesis ends in a question mark. A thesis is a statement, a claim which you are trying to prove. You claim cannot be a question.
  • TA: Your thesis statement has no argument. It is entirely factual for an information essay or makes no claim at all.
  • T~: Your thesis statement is vague. Use more definite language and make clear what it is you intend to argue.
  • Grmly Rpt: You did not include a report from as required, or your report did not meet the score requirements.
  • [ ] Use brackets to change pronouns, verbs, or other words to make pronoun references clear, fit the tense and flow of your sentence, or to remove 1st and 2nd point of view from the quotation.
  • . . . Properly use and format the ellipsis. Never put an ellipsis at the beginning of a quotation. Never put an ellipsis at the end of a quotation. Only use an ellipsis if something is removed from the middle of a quotation so you can indicate something is no longer there. Ellipses must also have spaces between every period.
  • IQ Use and properly format integrated quotations
  • C Use properly formatted MLA in-text citations
  • E? Where is your evidence for this claim? Use quotations and examples to support your point.
  • Facts You are getting facts from the story/film/myth incorrect. Pay closer attention to get the facts correct as you are weakening your argument.