![]() Instructions |
Table of Contents
General FAQ
Assignment FAQ
Response FAQ
Due Date/Late Work FAQ
General FAQ
How do I find out my grade in the class?
You will receive a grade report roughly every 5-6 weeks. You can also download a worksheet from the course documents folder that will allow you to calculate your own grade any time.
Is there extra credit?
Extra credit is received through doing the responses. If you pass more than are required or get more S grades than required, you get extra credit. See the Response Grade Progression for more of an explanation.
Why don’t you use Canvas or another system?
I’ve found that these systems are limited and don’t adequately accommodate my teaching methodology. Also, I would rather students learn to use tools that they might encounter in real life such as blogs and Google Documents.
What books do I need for class?
Books are listed on the syllabus.
Do I need the optional book?
No, that’s why it’s optional, but I highly recommend it.
Can I use electronic books (ebooks)?
Yes. I'm a big supporter of ebooks. I've tried to select books that have an electronic option.
Assignment FAQ
What do you look for in grading?
I look first for ideas. I want you to have and express an idea about the reading, film, etc. Don’t tell me what happened in the reading or film. Have an idea about it. Explain why about something in the reading or film. Watch this video. The Newsroom: What About John Carter.
Next I look for how you present those ideas. These are issues of organization, grammar, and spelling. While they are secondary, they are important, so don’t overlook them.
Write about an idea that answers one in-depth question (thesis), such as:
- Why did Red tell the Wolf about Grandma?
- What kind of relationship did the Wolf have with Red?
- What is the Wolf (or Red, or Grandma) a metaphor for?
- What do the people that wrote the myth value and believe in?
- “The Wolf uses deception like a sexual predator.”
- The wolf fooled Grandma by “counterfeiting [Red Hood’s] voice.”
What’s the assignment for the next class?
All reading assignments and essay due dates are listed in the syllabus calendar. Responses are listed in the course Twitter feed found on the blog. Just scroll down to see the Twitter feed.
Where do I find the Response # or Assignment letter?
The Response # and Assignment letter are listed at the top of the response preceding the subject. For example: 6. The Big Sleep 1-5 or A. Cosmic Myths Essay.
Where do I find Assignments?
Assignments can be found in the course documents folder for your class. A link is listed on the tab for each course, and there is also a link found at the top of the blog in the far right sidebar.
Where do I find Responses?
Responses are made available through a Twitter Feed, which is published by the blog. Whenever a new response is made available, it will show up in the Feed box on the blog. Scroll down until you see it. You can also have these Tweets texted to your phone via Twitter (see below)
Do I need a Twitter account?
No. A Twitter account is not necessary. Simply scroll down on the blog to see the Twitter feed where you can click on the link to get responses. The most recent response is at the top.
However, tweets can be texted to your phone by signing up for a Twitter account. Follow the steps found on here: Tweets via text message.
Do I need a Google Drive account?
Technically, no, but sometimes Google Drive gets finicky and asks you to login to see course documents and the like. However, you already have a Google Drive account as a student at Maricopa Colleges. Login to your school provided Gmail, then you will also be logged into Google Drive and can access the documents without hassle from a login page.
Response FAQ
What does my response grade mean?
Response grades are explained in the syllabus.
How is my total response grade for the class calculated?
See the Response Grade Progression to understand how responses affect your overall grade and the extra credit available through responses.
Can I makeup/re-do the response?
Responses cannot be made up. Not all responses are required, so you can still get a good grade by doing the remaining responses
Can I use an extension on a response?
No. Extensions are only for essays
Due Dates/Late Work FAQ
When are essay assignments due?
All essays are due at 11:59pm of the day listed in the syllabus. For example, if the syllabus states that an essay is due Friday, you have all of Friday to turn it in. The assignment is late if it is received by 12:00am Saturday.
Will you really reject an assignment if it’s a few minutes late?
Yes. I have time codes for each submission and I will reject an assignment if it is a few seconds late. Do not procrastinate your assignments.
When are responses due?
Responses are due before class begins on the day listed in the Twitter feed (also listed on the Response sheet).
Can I turn in assignments late?
What’s the extension bank?
The extension bank is a way to extend your essay due date (not response). You begin with 2 free days and earn a day for every S you receive on a response.
How do I use the extension bank?
Go to the Tools tab. Select the extension link for your particular class. Fill out the form and you will be emailed with a confirmation and your new due date will be listed in the class calendar.
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