Friday, July 20, 2001

Manuscript format

For other formats, see the links below.

For any interested in screenplay format, there's Script Frenzy Screenplay Format
Lastly, for stage plays, there's Script Frenzy Stage Format
If there are requests for other format types, let me know in the comments.
For any interested, here are a couple of resources for comic book scripts,%20pp.%201-5&catid=37:Sample%20Scripts&Itemid=58
Brian Michael Bendis's Scripts:

Works Cited format

Essay format

Title Page Format

Response Format

Assignment Formats

     All assignments must adhere to proper academic formats. These formats are in handouts provided for the course as well as available through the Googledocs folder. Furthermore, you will find examples of formats posted on the blog via the links at the bottom of this post. To execute the formatting, use your word processor. You can start by viewing these videos on Microsoft Word.
     All academic format follows the same general guidelines:
  • Double-spaced lines
  • 1 inch margins on all sides
  • Times New Roman 12 pt font
  • First-line indented paragraphs (1 tab, which is .5 inches)
  • Separate paragraphs for each idea (1 paragraph assignments for essays NOT accepted)
  • No skipped lines, or added spaces, between paragraphs (MS Word users)
     Do not include any of the following:
  • Larger or smaller fonts
  • Different fonts
  • Watermarks
  • Graphics
     Please remember that your assignment can be penalized or rejected for failing to adhere to formatting. make sure to get it right. Examples of format can be found below.
Online Format
Response (and Essay) format
Works Cited format