Wednesday, January 10, 2001

Tips for Responses

1. Do all the responses, especially the early ones.
  • Get feedback and learn what I’m looking for.
  • Give yourself breathing room in case of emergency.
2. Read the directions. Don’t skip to the questions.
  • Requirements change. Include them all.
  • Overlooking a requirement can fail the response.
3. You MUST meet the minimum word count.
  • The question doesn’t count.
  • Use the word count in your word processor.
4. Try to do more than the bare minimum.
  • Minimum effort (with no mistakes) = minimum grade
  • Try to make every response an S response.
5. Responses are critical writing. Essay, not journal.
  • No personal likes, dislikes, or feelings about story.
  • State and support ideas with reason and evidence.
6. Focus. Responses are short, so stay concise.
  • I can tell when you are rambling to fill word count.
  • Watch out for repetition. Say it once.
7. Don’t procrastinate! Procrastination = rushing.
  • You are more likely to overlook requirements.
  • You are more likely to overlook writing errors.
  • You are more likely to summarize instead of argue.
8. Allow time for a thorough proofread.
  • Spell and grammar check your response.
  • Read it out loud to catch mistakes.